July 27, 2024, 9:36 am

2 farmers die from heatstroke in Sirajganj

  • Update Time : Thursday, May 16, 2024
Photo Collected

Staff Correspondent:

Two farmers reportedly died from heatstroke in Ullapara upazila of Sirajganj district on Thursday.

They fell into sick, while cutting paddy around 10 am and died.

They were – farmer Bishnupada Majumdar, 51, of Rahimpur village under Bangala union of the upazila, and businessman Saidul Islam Lablu, 57, of Binaikpur village. Both of them were harvesting paddy in the hot sun in a field next to their village.

According to the families of the deceased, the two were harvesting paddy with laborers in their own land from early morning of Thursday. Around 10 am, both fell seriously ill due to severe heat wave.

Later, local people quickly rescued them but they died on the way to hospital.

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