October 18, 2024, 11:17 am

Bullets Hit the Epicentre of US Politics

  • Update Time : Tuesday, July 16, 2024
  • 18 Time View
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—Selim Khan—

The bullet did not just graze Trump’s ear; it actually went through it. If its path had been slightly different, his life could have been in danger. Did the bullet strike Trump’s ear? No, it struck the epicentre of current American politics, where hatred, discrimination, disrespect for others, and evil power grabs reside. Politicians, including President Biden, have condemned hate-driven violence since the incident, even though they have contributed to its escalation over time.

In recent years, political conflicts in America have intensified, deepening societal divisions. While this trend is not entirely new, the intensity and inclination of individuals and groups to resort to violence to achieve their political objectives have increased. The country’s past and present systems are equally responsible for this growing trend.

The spread of hatred in society has received significant attention recently. This issue has existed in American society for quite some time following the long civil war. In addition to the historical white-black hatred, there is also tension surrounding the rights of native-born citizens versus immigrants.

Even though most people in America are of European descent, many seem to forget that their ancestors were once immigrants. There is a prevailing belief among some that they have exclusive rights to America, and they view multiracial immigrants as a threat to their racial, economic and military superiority. In recent times, this idea has been perpetuated by figures like Donald Trump. It is this toxic ideology that may have influenced a 20-year-old to commit a despicable act of violence.

Please take note of the following information: The University of Chicago conducted a survey last June, revealing that 10% of American adults support using violence to stop Trump, while about 7% supports the use of violence to keep him in power. This means that a total of 17% of American adults across both sides of the political spectrum believe it is acceptable to resort to violence about power. It is also noteworthy that over 30% of those who support violence to prevent Trump from winning a second term own guns. Additionally, it has been reported that his father owned the firearm used by the 20-year-old.

The country’s gun policy is no less responsible for the display of extreme forms of violence. Neither of the country’s two major political parties is interested in gun control. As a result, the misuse of modern firearms that are readily available has become rampant. There is extreme bias in the mainstream media. They have drawn a clear dividing line in society. Media such as the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN are openly against Trump. In the editorial, they say Trump has no quality to rule America. Is it the responsibility of the press? On the other hand, several media, including Fox News, are in favour of Trump. They are spreading hatred towards other communities in the name of promoting white supremacy.

Social media has had a significant impact on politics and global affairs. It is known that platforms such as Facebook, Twitter (now X), and Instagram have created problems for some countries while being seen as agents of change in others. These platforms have also raised concerns about who really controls decision-making. Many of these companies are American-owned.

During his presidency, Trump favoured Twitter to communicate with the public, and his words were widely promoted on various social media channels. Following 6 January 2021, Trump’s social media accounts were suspended, causing controversy among his supporters. Recently, Trump regained access to his accounts. This has led to Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg showing sympathy for Trump. This situation exemplifies the complexities and potential bias in social media moderation, highlighting the impact it has not only on global politics but also within the United States.

However, these institutions are not the sole cause of destruction. Mainstream media, social media, gun policies, politics of hate, financial discrimination, fear of losing self-identity, and the political failure to unite society – all contribute to this catastrophe. These issues took time to arise. The leaders of America take pride in democracy, but as it revolves around voting, numerous loopholes have surfaced over time.

One of these loopholes is the mistrust of politicians. According to a poll conducted by the British media Guardian, 58.6 per cent of American adults believe that the next election cannot address the country’s most fundamental political and social problems in the current American situation. This is a troubling aspect. When ordinary people lose faith in elected leaders, they may take matters into their own hands. There are instances of this happening in countries. Various movements, such as Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street, have emerged in America. However, instead of addressing the issue, the country’s political leadership attempted to sweep it under the rug and succeeded. Consequently, people gradually disengaged from politics.

The situation will become complicated again if American politicians only issue statements about Trump’s shooting or consider it solely as a law and order issue. This calls for self-reflection from politicians, governing bodies and influential parts of society and for taking comprehensive steps accordingly. However, using money or tactics to suppress the truth can harm everyone. Therefore, this incident should serve as a lesson not only for Trump but for everyone. It is up to all to learn from it.


The writer is Executive Editor of Digital Media, Independent Television


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