Only those who fought directly on the battlefield against the Pakistani occupation forces in 1971 Liberation War will be recognised as “freedom fighters,” while those who played a role in mobilising public opinion, securing diplomatic support and assisting the war efforts from home and abroad will be categorised as “Liberation War Associates.”
“We are amending the ‘National Freedom Fighters Council Act, 2022’ through an ordinance to bring about this change,” Farooq-e-Azam, the adviser to the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs, revealed this in an interview with private news agency.
When asked about the existing law, eight categories of individuals and professionals who did not directly participate in combat are recognised as “Bir Muktijoddha” (valiant freedom fighters).
“The draft of the ‘National Freedom Fighters Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2025’ has been prepared, and stakeholders have been consulted on the matter. The draft may be placed for approval in the Advisory Council meeting in the first week of March.”
Farooq-e-Azam said that there have been demands to remove those with freedom fighter certificates who did not engage in direct combat.
“That is why we want to bring some amendments to the National Freedom Fighters Council Act. The major amendment will be in the definition of freedom fighters,” he said.
Explaining the revised categorisation, he added, “Those who fought directly in the battlefield and those who assisted in various ways are being classified separately. Those who played a role in shaping public opinion abroad, those involved with the Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra, those in administrative positions in Mujibnagar at various levels — everyone will be distinguished separately.”
Under the amended law, he said, those who engaged in direct armed combat will be recognised as freedom fighters, while those who contributed in other capacities will be known as Liberation War Associates.
“There are no objections regarding allowances or benefits. The only concern is that the status of ‘freedom fighter’ remains exclusive to those who fought in the battlefield,” he asserted.
Various freedom fighter organisations have expressed strong opposition to equating direct combatants with others, said the adviser.
Farooq-e-Azam noted that the phrase “in response to the declaration of independence by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman” has been removed from the new definition of freedom fighters in the draft ordinance.
On the issue of minimum age, the adviser noted, “To be recognised as a freedom fighter, the minimum age during the war must have been 12 years and 6 months. However, there is an ongoing legal case regarding this. If the court does not rule otherwise, this age requirement will remain unchanged.
He also revealed that several freedom fighter organisations have proposed allowing individuals who obtained benefits under false pretences to seek forgiveness by submitting an application by March 26.