March 15, 2025, 6:17 am

A transport system without battery-run rickshaws

  • Update Time : Sunday, December 1, 2024
  • 51 Time View
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—MS Siddiqui—

The transportation system in a busy metropolis is supposed to be made up of various public transportation like the metro system serving long-distance commutes or low-cost alternatives for long-distance travel. Buses are for use of medium-distance travel. The option should be there for walking and cycling for short distance travelling. Cycling on major roads is risky without cycling lanes and other cycling infrastructure, and walking is difficult due to the lack of appropriate footpaths.

The metro system in Dhaka at initial stage with only one line from Uttara to Motijheel. A significant segment of Dhaka residents are people who can’t afford cars. Buses are insufficient and uncomfortable. Buses don’t go everywhere andare slow in travelling. Rickshaws has becomemajor transport for the commuters, but the service is time-consuming and expensive for the low and middle class. The authority is trying to ban rickshaws from major cities for long time but only partially successful.

Since the British era, pedal or manually operated rickshaw have been at the forefront of urban and rural transportation for the entire population of Bangladesh.Manually operated rickshaws have long been the mqjor transports of daily commutes.Buses are ideal for city travel but can’t navigate narrow urban lanes and rural areas. Battery-run rickshaws can serve as an alternative in these places. According to a study (2019) titled “Impact of Pedal Powered Vehicles on Average Traffic Speed in Dhaka City,” roads without rickshaws have an average speed of about 20 kilometres per hour, whereas roads with rickshaws average only 11 kilometres per hour. The pedal rickshaw slows down traffic, creating obstacles for cars, motorcycles, and buses.

The latest addition is the battery-run rickshaw. These are popular among commutersas time-efficient transport but these are a dangerous disruption to the already precarious traffic system.The speed of battery-run rickshaws reportedly can reach up to 40 km/h, a pace their lightweight frames and basic braking systems were never designed run at this speed. The brake and frames are similar topadal rickshaws.According to a Professor of BUET, battery-run rickshaws use ‘U’ brakes, which consist of two brake pads gripping the wheel rim. This braking system is suitable for traditional rickshaws or bicycles, the addition of batteries enables the rickshaws to reach speeds of 30-35 kph, necessitating an upgrade in the braking system. This braking system is not very effective at these speeds. They need to be upgraded to hydraulic brakes.

A 2019 study by the Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies (BILS) said Dhaka has more than 11 lakh pedal rickshaws and over 2 lakh battery-run rickshaws. BUET’s Accident Research Institute has identified at least 30 different types of battery-powered rickshaws nationwide, which are involved in 10 percent of all road accidents in the country. In contrast, motorcycles now account for 40 percent of road fatalities.

Their electricity is estimated to be 500 megawatts of electricity daily.They use the electricity reportedly from illegal connections but most probably not free of cost. They pay rent to the appropriate authorities and local mastans. Battery-powered rickshaws are electric vehicles contributing to reducing carbon emissions. But they use lead-acid batteries, which area threat to the environment. They leach toxins into the soil and water, contaminating ecosystems and endangering public health. Bangladesh has no system to handle or recycle the batteries used by all motorized vehicles including battery run rickshaws.

Civil society is against the battery run rickshaws and authorities are trying to ban the vehicles for few years. Battery tun rickshaws reduces the physical strain on drivers and increases their speed, but it has also raised various concerns. This has led to a divided public opinion on whether these vehicles should be permitted on the streets.But they really could not implement the decision since it is an integral part of transport system due to lack of proper public transport system. Meanwhile, manual rickshaw pullers, commuters, and city planners remain divided on the issue.

The battery run rickshaw creates some unemployment as well. All the Rickshaw pullers are not capable of driving battery run rickshaw. All the On August 26, 2024,rickshaw pullers gathered en masse at the Shahbagh intersection and demand the ban of battery run rickshaw. According to them, the battery run rickshaws were posing unfair competition, resulting in pedaled rickshaw pullers struggling to earn their daily keep.

The problem with banning modes of transportation without creating suitable alternatives is that the demand for transportation shall remain unchanged. People need to go to the places and need proper public transport. The economic challenge to ban rickshaws in Dhaka is cannot be ignored. According to a media report, there are over 11 lakh pedal rickshaws in Dhaka, registered and unregistered. These rickshaws sustain the livelihoods of millions of rickshaw pullers and rickshaw mechanics, who in turn contribute over Tk 30,000 crore to the rural economy of Bangladesh every year.

Bangladesh needs an efficient and cost-effective public transport systemin order to reduce the dependence on rickshaws. The immediate ban shall create a vacuum in the transport system in the country. A real solution that considers both the safety of passengers and the livelihoods of drivers and some other related services.

Authorities may consider technical upgradation of the battery run rickshawsto makerules of registration, training of drivers of the rickshaws by appropriate authorities. The process even may generate revenue for the government. Like gas stations, rickshaw charging stations can be established in various areas. These stations could also incorporate solar systems to alleviate some pressure on the electricity grid. Previous government has given responsibility to Bangladesh Standard & Testing Institute (BSTI) to determine the standards for batteries and wheels. They are reportedly working on the standards for battery-powered rickshaws as integrated electric vehicles.

Authorities cannot upgrade the public transport system overnight because of lack of capacity for investment. The welfare of millions of rickshaw pullers and their families depends on this defective and risky vehicle. There should re-shape the transport system with a balance between technology and socio-economic reality of the country. A case also pending in the Supreme Court on the running the motorized rickshaw in the street. The High Court recently ordered the removal of all battery-run rickshawsfrom the street and Appellate Division of Supreme Court stayed the order for one month for hearing the appeal.

(The writer is a former Non-Government Adviser, Bangladesh Competition Commission, Legal Economist & CEO, Bangla Chemical)

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