July 4, 2024, 2:59 am

ACC conducts drive at central cattle breeding farm in Savar

  • Update Time : Monday, July 1, 2024
  • 28 Time View
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  • The state-owned institution allegedly provided undue benefits to Sadeeq Agro

Staff Correspondent:

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has conducted a drive at the Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm in Savar over allegations of providing unethical benefits to Sadeeq Agro Limited.

A nine-member team led by ACC Assistant Director Abul Kalam Azad raided the state-owned cattle breeding farm on Monday.

Officials said the team is looking into various graft allegations, including tender fraud and the process by which 16 Brahman breed cows were returned to Sadeeq Agro from this institution last year.

Sadeeq Agro Limited came to the limelight recently by selling a goat for Tk12 lakh to a young son of former National Board of Revenue officer Matiur Rahman and selling a cow at Tk10 million to a businessman.

The agro farm company was found involved in forgery earlier over importing the Brahman breed cows violating the import ban.

In 2021, eighteen Brahman cows were flown in from the United States amid pandemic restrictions at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport.

Importer Sadeeq Agro used fake livestock ministry documents for this import.

Although the customs authorities seized the cows and sent those to the central cattle breeding farm in Savar, Sadeeq Agro connived with the institution officials in taking back the cattle.

In late June, the Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) demolished illegal structures, including Sadeeq Agro, to reclaim lands grabbed particularly by the agro farm and others.






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