March 10, 2025, 3:16 am

Admission and tuition fees are not increasing in the new academic year

  • Update Time : Thursday, November 26, 2020
  • 405 Time View

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Student admission and tuition fees are not being increased again in 2021 academic year. If any educational institution collects extra money for session and admission fee during the coronation period, their MPO will be canceled. It is being included in the admission policy prepared for the 2021 academic year. The policy may be issued on December 6, according to the Ministry of Education.

It is learned that due to Corona, several changes have been made in the admission policy of schools from first to eighth class. The issue has been given priority in the transparency of the lottery. In other words, a three-tier committee will work to avoid any kind of irregularities in admission. In addition, the school’s managing committee, teachers and parent representatives will oversee the admission process separately.

According to the proposed admission policy, the price of admission forms in private high schools has been fixed at Rs 200 as in the current academic year. Students’ tuition fees were not increased due to Corona. Same  as  before. Additional student admission for the declared vacant seats and tuition fee prescribed as per the policy cannot be collected more. As there is no annual examination this time, the students will have to declare vacant seats and submit the list to the admission committee after the end of the assignment.

In order to prevent the spread of Kovid-19 epidemic, it is not necessary to collect and submit the application form in person to the educational institutions of the city corporation and the municipal area of ​​the district headquarters. The organization can submit online. At least seven working days must be given after the distribution of the application form. Each educational institution will create its own website to accept student applications and publish lottery results. Results must be stored in school for one year. If necessary, the students will have to return the lower part of the form with serial number while submitting the application form.

According to the policy, the price of the application form is Tk. 200 for MPO registered, partial MPO registered and non-MPO educational institutions including Dhaka Metropolitan. Admission fee including session charge will not be more than Tk. 500 in Mofasbal area, Tk. 1000 in Municipal (Upazila) area, Tk. 2000 in Municipal (District Headquarters) area and Tk.

MPO-registered educational institutions located in the Dhaka metropolitan area will not be able to charge extra Tk 5,000 for student admission. For the development of partial MPO registered educational institutions located in Dhaka metropolitan area and payment of salaries and allowances to non-MPO teachers, students will be able to charge a maximum of Tk 8,000 in Bengali and Tk 10,000 in English including monthly salary, session charge and development fee at the time of admission.

No educational institution can collect more than three thousand rupees in the development sector. After passing the annual examination in the same educational institution, a session charge can be taken every year for admission from one class to the next. However, re-admission fee cannot be taken. However, the special needs of the poor, meritorious students should be waived as much as possible. The policy says that strict action will be taken to cancel the MPO of the organization if the admission and additional fees are collected in violation of the policy.

It is learned that in order to ensure transparency in lottery admission, an admission committee has to be formed by convening the director general of Mausi in Dhaka metropolis. The members of this committee will be the Chairman of Dhaka Board, Director of Mausir (School), Representative of DC of Dhaka District, Representative of the Ministry of Education, Deputy Director of Mausir Dhaka Region. At the district level, the admission committee has to be formed at the district level under the leadership of the DC of the concerned district.

In addition, an admission committee will be formed with members of the school managing committee, teachers and a few parents to ensure transparency in admission. This committee will complete the admission process.

According to the new admission policy, in the coming academic year, admission can be given up to class IX in the school concerned subject to the absence of school entry class and seats. If the application is more than the seats, the student has to be admitted through lottery. The age of students for admission in the first class should be six years as per the national education policy.

The policy further states that if any student is not admitted, he / she will be admitted from the waiting list. Each school will conduct admission activities on its own initiative. In this case, the school management committee can form more than one sub-committee. Students can apply to any institution if there are more than one educational institution in the same catchment area. Applications can be made to five schools in the catchment area in government high schools.

Education Minister said. Dipu Moni said, “Every year we get complaints of taking more session fees in different sectors.” This time too people are not in a very good condition because of Corona. Therefore, he urged the educational institutions to be humane in this regard. Even then, if there is a complaint against someone, action will be taken subject to investigation.( Source: Online)

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