Natore Correspondent:
Natore Livestock department on Sunday launched a special campaign of selling milk and egg in an affordable price.
Poultry and Dairy Association launched this month-long campaign with the assistance of Natore Livestock department where each dozen of egg being sold at TK. 112 and milk at TK. 70/per liter from 10 am to 12 pm on every working days.
Livestock officer of Natore district Dr. Zulfikar Mohammad Akhter Hossem inaugurated the campaign this morning at the office. He said this initiative will continue over the month to relieve the low earning people.
Regarding the campaign, convener of poultry association Nesar Ahmed Jishan said by extracting its profit from the prices, they are offering this price with the all-out assistance of Jishan Poultry Hatchery.