Staff Correspondent: Agricultural Minister Abdur Razzaque has sent demi official (DO) letters to some other ministers to cultivate unused lands of sugar, jute, textile mills and railways to mitigate any possible food crisis.
The minister sent the letter to the ministers for Industries, Textiles and Jute and Railways recently, according to a press release.
In the letters, Abdur Razzaque requested all seeking personal initiative of the ministers mentioning the opportunity of cultivating food grains, vegetables, pulse and, oil seeds in unused lands owned by different government agencies to fight the food crisis in light of global adversities.
He said the initiative can boost the country’s food production and concerned upazila Agricultural Officers of the Agricultural Extension Department will provide necessary assistance in this regard.
The letters said global food production and distribution are facing a challenge due to the Russia-Ukraine war and Covid-19.
Along with that price hike of essential materials for food production like fertilizers and fuel have created a fear of food crisis, it said.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has directed to increase the food production and to leave no fallow lands unused to ensure food security, which the Ministry of Agriculture is trying to implement, said Razzaque.