Satkhira Correspondent:
The High Court has acquitted BNP leader Habibul Islam Habib in the case of the attack on Sheikh Hasina’s convoy in Satkhira.
In that case, the BNP leader was sentenced to 10 years in prison along with 50 others people for various terms.
The High Court bench of Justice Mohammad Ali and Justice Sheikh Tahsin Ali gave the verdict on Thursday.
Habibul Islam’s lawyer Aminul Islam said that the BNP leader was not involved in the attack on Sheikh Hasina’s convoy. He was sentenced in a false case by showing only two bullet shells. Since he was acquitted from the case, he has received justice, and the rest of the accused will also receive justice.
According to court sources, on February 4, 2021, 50 people were sentenced to various terms on the charge of ‘attack’ on the convoy of then opposition leader Sheikh Hasina on August 30, 2002. The judge sentenced three people, including former MP from Satkhira-1 constituency Habibul Islam Habib, to 10 years in prison. The other two who received 10 years in prison are Md. Arifur Rahman alias Ranju and Ripon. Accused Jubo Dal leader Abdul Quader Bachchu was given a 9-year prison sentence. The remaining 46 accused were sentenced to various terms, starting from four years in prison.