TDS Desk: Germany is providing Bangladesh €180.807 million (around Tk2,265 crore) in financial and technical support. Agreements on this development cooperation were signed on Thursday between the two countries. Around
UNB: Bangladesh’s export sector is showing signs of steady recovery, overcoming disruptions caused by the political turmoil in July and August that led to the ouster of the Awami League
P-8 TDS Desk: A total of 1030 metric tonnes of rice were imported from India through Benapole port in one week. According to the Benapole land port and customs house,
TDS Desk Members of the anti-tobacco youth society and Ahsania Mission Youth Forum for Health and Wellbeing have called for the swift passage of proposed amendments to the Tobacco Control
TDS Desk: Bangladesh has requested Malaysia to take necessary measures as early as possible to supply refined palm oil to Bangladesh through the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) under the
TDS Desk: The benchmark index of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSEX) surged 54 points or 1.06% to 5,197 on November 27, while the turnover jumped 26% to Tk451 crore as investors