FBD Desk: With Dhaka University deciding to hold final-year exams for honours and master’s programmes from December 26 amid the Covid pandemic, the clamour for reopening the dormitories has been
FBD Desk: Student admission and tuition fees are not being increased again in 2021 academic year. If any educational institution collects extra money for session and admission fee during the
FBD Desk: New students for different classes of schools, including class I, will be selected through a lottery process this time due to the Covid-19 pandemic, said Education Minister Dr
FBD Desk: Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor Prof. Md. Akhtaruzzaman said the Deans Committee meeting did not take any decision or proposal to cancel the admission test of ‘C’ unit. Instead, the
FBD Desk: Educational institutions may be reopened after a long 9 months. Classroom teaching activities may start in a number of secondary level schools next year to prepare and complete
FBD Desk: Work has started to prepare the results of HSC and equivalent examinations. It will be released by December 25. The Grade Evaluation Technical Committee will submit a report