Entertainment Desk: With the release of the historical drama “Maharaj” on Friday, Bollywood’s perfectionist Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan, who debuted in the film, shared his feelings about the overwhelming
UNB: Following the announcement of a Tk 50,000 bounty for catching a Russell’s viper alive, residents along the Padma riverbank in Faridpur have become desperate to capture the snakes. Last
Entertainment Desk: Renowned Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has been known as ‘plain-spoken’ to many for commenting on the discussed issue at various times. Now she is not only an actress
Entertainment Desk: Bollywood’s one of the most banger movies ‘Baahubali’. Renowned actress Anushka Shetty played the role of ‘Devasena’ has revealed that she is suffering from a rare disease. In
Entertainment Desk: The final trailer for the upcoming Telugu blockbuster “Kalki 2898 AD” was released on Friday. Before making it public, this footage was first screened for a select audience
Entertainment: Television actress Rukaiya Jahan Chamak got married on Friday. Her husband Azman Nasir is a businessman and actor by profession. Azman Nasir was her long-time beau. The actress delighted