TDS Desk The High Court on Thursday directed the government to make all the power plants fully operational. The bench of Justice Farah Mahbub and Justice Debasish Roy Chowdhury ordered
TDS Desk Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the undisputed leader of the nation and there is no scope to deny this, but attempts were made by a party to politicize
TDS Desk: A Dhaka court on Wednesday placed former mayor of Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) Atiqul Islam on a five-day remand in a case lodged over the murder of
An HC bench of Justice Farah Mahbub and Justice Debashis Roy Chowdhury may hold a hearing next Sunday UNB, Dhaka A writ petition has been filed with the High Court
TDS Desk The International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) has granted the prosecution team one day to interrogate Maj Gen (retd) Ziaul Ahsan, the former director general of the National Telecommunication Monitoring
She filed the case on September 25 over fraud allegations Staff Reporter Television presenter Farzana Brownia has withdrawn the case filed in a Dhaka court against Shykh Seraj, Head of