September 17, 2024, 6:29 am

France, its Fifth Republic, its Cohabitation Politics

—Syed Badrul Ahsan— The second round of the French parliamentary elections has demonstrated a powerful reality. And that refers to the strong way in which the Left has surged at

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Washington Accord Recognition: Paving Way for Global Engineering Graduates

M. Shahidul Hassan We live in an era of rapidly advancing technology and unpredictable job markets. The influence of artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), and 3D

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A good exit policy for non-wilful loan defaulters

–MS Siddiqui– In 2019, the central bank issued a special policy regarding a one-time exit for customers with loans over Tk500 crore. According to the policy, the loan is to

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What the consequences of ill-gotten gains?

–Mohammad Mehedi Hasan– From the perspective of Islamic ethics, illegal money is any money that Islamic law prohibits acquiring or using because it is in itself harmful or is an

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Britain Is Suddenly a Beacon of Stability in Europe – Now It Is France That Is in Turmoil

—Timothy Garton Ash— It was a good week for Europe. It was a bad week for Europe. Good because Britain now has a strong, stable centrist government keen to reset

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Tulip’s ministership in UK: A triumph for Bangabandhu’s legacy and Bengali pride

—Dr. Salim Mahmud— The legacy of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, founder of Bangladesh and Father of the Bengali nation, continues to astonish the world today. His third generation, Tulip Siddiq,

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