September 17, 2024, 1:26 am


—Ferdaus Anam Jibon— Eid-ul-Azha will be celebrated after a few days. The sacrifice of animals during Eid-ul-Azha is a religious obligation for affluent people. The Eid-ul-Azha economy in Bangladesh is

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Hospitality or Hassle? Tourism sector needed balance

—Nihal Ahmed— Tourism industry in Bangladesh comprises many beautiful natural landscapes, historical sites and cultural aspects. The country has serene beaches, historic mosques, vibrant tea estates etc. offering a wide

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Will the new budget reduce inflation, living cost?

—Prof Dr Md Salim Uddin— In an effort to maintain economic stability and reduce inflation to 6.5%, a budget of Tk7,97,000 crore has been announced for the fiscal year 2024-25,

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Ministerial pronouncements and the rule of law

—Syed Badrul Ahsan— The Benazir Ahmed issue goes on exercising minds in the country. It will not go away any time soon, the expectation being that nothing will be done

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World Environment Day: Integrated Strategic Approach Crucial in Restoring Ecosystem

—Dr Kanan Purkayastha— On 5 June World Environment Day (WED) will be celebrated around the world led by the United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP). Since the Stockholm conference on human

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Sir culture from public services needed elimination

—-MIR MOSHARREF HOSSAIN PAKBIR—- In a democratic society, the relationship between public servants and the citizenry is fundamental to the effective functioning of governance. In Bangladesh, as in any democracy,

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