July 27, 2024, 8:49 am

Dacoits loot cash, gold ornaments from OC’s brother house in Tarash

  • Update Time : Sunday, June 2, 2024
Police visiting the house, which was looted by armed Dacoits in Tarash.

Tarash Correspondent:

An adventurous Dacoity was committed at the house of a police officer’s brother in Banibahu village of Tarash upazila in sirajganj district early Sunday.

The Dacoits looted cash Tk 3 lakh and valuable goods including a bhori of gold ornaments from the house.

According to police, a team of dacoits numbering 10 to 12 wearing mask entered into the house of Abdul Hye, also elder brother of Selim Chowdhury, who is now serving as Officer-in-Charge (OC) at Nachol Police Station in Chapainawabganj district, and looted the valuables putting inmates of the house at gun point.

At that time, the house owner Abdul Hye received injuries as one of the Dacoit members hits his hand with a sharp knife, while he (Hye) tried to obstruct them. Later, the Dacoits left the house raising arms.

On information, Tarash thana police visited the spot at the same night. Preparation to file a case was going on while writing this report on Sunday noon, said Nazrul Islam, Officer-in-Charge of Tarash PS.





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