February 7, 2025, 1:54 pm

Essential drugs’ price goes up

  • Update Time : Thursday, November 5, 2020
  • 318 Time View
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Lack of monitoring blamed

Rehennuma Tarannum:      

The price of essential drugs has increased by three to four times on the plea of short supply of raw materials.

Despite the government directive, a section of drug producers and sellers are selling the life saving drugs with high prices putting the public health at serious risk. Even, the drugs, which are used in COVID-19 treatment, are being sold with two to three times higher prices than the government fixed rate.

The price of vitamin type of medicines has increased three to four times and the price of medicines for respiratory and heart diseases has become double. Besides, the prices of medicines for cold, headache and cough related diseases have also gone up compared to the previous time. Antibiotics and other medicines, which help to normalize the blood circulation, did not get rid from the clutch of price hiking.

Sources said, domestic and foreign manufacturers have also been increased the price of essential drugs taking advantage of Corona. Retailers are also not lagging behind the trend causing immense suffering to the patients and their relatives.

Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA) admitted that, “Some companies had increased the prices of essential drugs on excuse of raw material crisis caused by suspension of flights in the domestic and international routes. But now, the prices of drugs have started reducing due to interference of DGDA.”

Major General Mahbubur Rahman, Director General of DGDA said, “The prices of drugs had gone up in the beginning of corona pandemic due to continuous lockdown and short supply of raw materials that hits production. But now, the situation is now under control.”

He further said, “We have also fixed the prices of some medicines relevant with the COVID-19. Besides, we have increased the surveillance in the market so that none can realize high prices.”

Seeking anonymity, some pharmacy owners said, “In the beginning of corona pandemic, panic stricken people had started stockpiling huge quantity of relevant medicines in fear of probable crisis. As a result, the price of many important drugs had gone up. The price did not reduce further. The same situation may be created again in the upcoming winter especially on December.”

They also informed that, medicine manufacturers and traders create artificial crisis on different pleas. If surveillance is increased, the trend may be reduced.

During a spot visit to different areas including Farmgate, Green Road, Dhanmondi, Shyamoli and Mitford area, this correspondent found that retailers were selling various essential drugs with high prices on excuse of short supply.

Md Abdul Hye, Director of Bangladesh Chemist and Druggist Association said, “Shopkeepers have nothing to do, if the companies increase the price. Retailers are forced to realize high prices as they collect the drugs with high rate.”

SM Shafiuzzaman, Secretary General of Bangladesh Association of Pharmaceutical Industries said, “The price of drugs is set by the government. So, there is no scope of increasing the price by the companies.”

“Some unscrupulous retailers might have been increased the prices of essential drugs taking the advantage of corona pandemic. As a result, the suffering of people was mounted.”

He also stressed the need for regular monitoring to keep the drug market stable.

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