October 22, 2024, 7:30 am

Ex minister Nasim’s 4th death anniversary today

  • Update Time : Thursday, June 13, 2024
  • 15 Time View
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leader and former health and family welfare minister Mohammed Nasim will be observed on Thursday.

Different socio-cultural and political organizations have taken elaborate programmes to observe the day with due respect.

The programme includes paying tributes to Nasim by placing wreaths at his grave, milad and doa mahfil, discussion, distribution of foods among the poor.

Marking his death anniversary, political and different social organizations and his family members will place wreaths at his grave at Banani graveyard here at around 9am tomorrow.

Besides, Kazipua Thana unit of Awami League will arrange a discussion at his birth place at Kazipur upazila of Sirajganj. AL Joint General Secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif will present as the chief guest and Mohammed Nasim’s son Tanvir Shakil Joy, MP, will present as special guest at the meeting.

Nasim was born on April 2, 1948, in Sirajganj district. His father, Shaheed Captain M Mansur Ali, was one of the organizers of the Liberation War and a close associate of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Mansur Ali served as the minister of finance, industry and commerce in the exiled government of Bangladesh formed at the Amrakanon of Baidyanathtala in Meherpur during the War of Liberation in 1971, as well as in the cabinet of the post-independence Bangabandhu’s government.

Nasim graduated in political science from Jagannath College. Earlier, in the tenure of the 1996 Awami League government, he had also successfully served as the Minister for Home Affairs, Housing and Public Works and Posts and Telecommunications. Mohammed Nasim was elected as lawmaker in 1986, 1991, 1996 and 2001.

He was elected Member of Parliament six times from Sirajganj-1 constituency and was also AL presidium member and the spokesperson of the 14-party alliance.

He also served as the chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Food Ministry.

He was married to Arzumand Banu.Tanvir Shakil Joy, the eldest son among his three children, is the Jatiya Sangsad member from Sirajganj-1 constituency.

On June 13 in 2020, Mohammad Nasim, also a veteran freedom fighter, passed away while undergoing treatment at Bangladesh Specialised Hospital at Shyamoli here at the age of 72.

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