Entertainment Desk:
A short film titled, “Room Number 2011” based on the brutal murder of Abrar Fahad, a student of Buet, was screened on Friday at 4pm at the Modhuban Cineplex in Chelopara in Bogura.
The much-anticipated 50-minute-long film has already been showcased at Jahangirnagar University and in California, USA, before this screening.
The Bogura screening was attended by district administration officials, representatives of the district police, teachers, leaders of art and cultural organizations, students from various educational institutions, and people from all walks of life.
The film was directed by Sheikh Jisan Ahamed, a student of the Drama and Dramatics Department at Jahangirnagar University.
The screenplay, inspired by the shocking true events of Abrar Fahad’s murder, was written by Professor Anan Zaman from the same department.
Over 150 students of Jahangirnagar University acted in the film.
Screenings of Room Number 2011 are scheduled to continue on Saturday and Sunday.
Sheikh Jisan Ahamed, also the proprietor of Jisu Entertainment, mentioned that the screening at Modhuban Cineplex marked the official release of the film.