September 17, 2024, 12:59 am

French envoy pays courtesy call on foreign affairs adviser

  • Update Time : Thursday, September 5, 2024
Photo: Collected

TDS Desk:

Ambassador of France Marie Masdupuy on Thursday paid her maiden courtesy call on Foreign Affairs Adviser Md Touhid Hossain and handed over the original congratulatory message from the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Stéphane Séjourné at the latter’s office.

The France ambassador informed that more and more French companies are expressing interest to do business with and invest in Bangladesh with the gradual improvement of business environment as well as positive changes in different sectors in the country under the interim government.

She offered technical, legal and institutional assistances from France in implementing the reform agenda of the interim government, particularly in the areas of curbing corruption, reforming governance and reforming financial system, according to a press release.

Foreign Affairs Adviser highlighted the long-standing Bangladesh-France bilateral relations and welcomed France’s interest in providing technical support to the interim government’s reform agenda. He assured that the interim government is determined to bring visible and sustainable reforms to promote business and FDI with substantial improvement in labour sector and human rights domain.

As raised by the French Ambassador, the Foreign Adviser expressed firm commitment to preventing human trafficking and migrant-smuggling from Bangladesh to Europe. On Rohingya issue, he also underlined the need for international pressure on Myanmar authorities for a durable solution of the Rohingya crisis through safe, secure and dignified return of the Rohingyas to their homeland, Myanmar.

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