July 27, 2024, 9:22 am

Madrasa teacher dies of heat stroke in Ctg

  • Update Time : Monday, April 29, 2024
Photo: Collected

TDS Desk:

A madrasa teacher died of heat stroke at Kalurghat upazila in Chattogram district on Sunday (April 28) morning.

The deceased was identified as Md Mostak Ahmed Kutubi Alkaderi, 55, hailed from North Dhurung area under Kutubdia upazila in Cox’s Bazar district. He lived in a rented house at Chandgao Mohra area in the port city. He worked as a teacher of Khitapchar Azizia Mabudia Alim Madrasa under Boalkhali upazila.

According to sources, Mostak suddenly fell unconscious when he was going to his workplace on a ferry around 9am. Locals took him to Chattogram Medical College Hospital where the duty doctors declared him dead around 10am.

It was assumed that he might have died of heat stroke

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