July 27, 2024, 6:39 am

Met office gives good news of rain amid extreme heatwave

  • Update Time : Sunday, April 7, 2024
Photo: Collected

Desk Report:

The sky of the capital is cloudy this Sunday morning. The Meteorological Department says that there may be rain in different parts of the country including Dhaka today. With this rain, the temperature may drop by 1 to 2 degrees Celsius. The Meteorological Office has announced the possibility of rain on Monday as well. However, the temperature may start rising from Wednesday.

Except for some parts of Chattogram and some parts of Rangpur division, the sky is cloudy today almost everywhere in the country.

Meteorologist Mohammad Bazlur Rashid said that it may rain in the capital today. Rain is likely to occur elsewhere in the country today. Except for some parts of Chattogram Division and some places of Rangpur Division, almost all parts of the country are likely to receive rain today. According to the sources of the Meteorological Department, this rain is mainly due to low pressure in the west.

From the beginning of this month, mild to moderate heatwaves started sweeping over different parts of the country. Among them, the highest temperature in the country was recorded in Chuadanga on Saturday. The heatwave has made life unbearable in different parts of the country. Along with this was load shedding. Load shedding has occurred frequently with this almost everywhere in the country, especially outside Dhaka. People’s lives become miserable due to intense heat and load shedding.

According to the forecast of the Meteorological Department, there may be a few more heatwaves this month. Apart from this, there is a danger of severe Kalbaisakhi this month.

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