July 27, 2024, 2:27 am

‘No Helmet, No Fuel’

  • Update Time : Wednesday, May 15, 2024
All of the photos were taken from Bazar Station, Pourasava Road and its neighboring areas in Sirajganj town yesterday. Photo: Ashraful Islam Joy

Obaidul Quader expresses anger on bikers

Staff Correspondent:

Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Wednesday asked the authorities concerned to implement the policy of “No Helmet, No Fuel” across the country since now.

He also said to strictly implement the directive to make “helmets compulsory on motorcycles not only in Dhaka but also in all over the country” from the time of giving the directive.

The minister ordered this in the first meeting of the advisory council formed under the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority Act 2017 on Wednesday (May 15).

Expressing his anger towards BRTA, Obaidul Quader asked, “Why are there traffic jams and accidents on roads and highways despite so much development?”

Referring to the terrible bus accident in Jhalokati, the Bridges Minister also asked how a 40-year-old vehicle drove on the road. At that time, the Bridges Minister wanted to know what BRTA was doing so far.

The meeting was held at the head office of BRTA in Banani. Two city mayors of Dhaka, the BRTA chairman and related people were present in the meeting.

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