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Online drug traders reckless in pandemic : Drug traders change business pattern

  • Update Time : Thursday, October 8, 2020
  • 320 Time View

Futurebd Desk:

As the online shopping for almost all categories goods has now gained momentum across the country taking the advantage of corona pandemic, in the meantime, the selling of various deadly drugs especially Yaba, Phensidyle and heroin through different social media including facebook, twitter and mobile phone is going on unabated due to lax-vigilance of the law enforcers. Thanks to the online for appearing as a blessing for the drug abusers!

Though, the members of different law enforcement agencies have been carrying routing drives against drug abusers, the measures are not coming to help due to development of technologies.

Criminals regularly change their trading pattern to avert the eyes of law enforcers. Many of them have taken shelter of internet based business, where they are carrying selling, supplying and campaigning activities through online basically using of fb or twitter. Besides, mobile messenger is also being used in the same purpose.

Sources said, the shopping through online has nowadays increased centering the corona pandemic. People are leaning into online shopping to selling and purchasing of different essentials including rice, oil, vegetables, mobile phone, clothes, cosmetics and teamer even houses, cars and domestic animals. But, it is the matter of concern that, the sale of illegal drugs through the means is not keeping out. A section of unscrupulous drug traders are running brisk business through the online avoiding the law enforcers.

The drug traders are taking order of various types of drugs through online and giving home delivery or giving supply to scheduled places with their own efforts after getting money through bKash or other mobile banking facilities. Sometime, the drug traders are using viber, whartsApps, imo and even courier services in this purpose.

Experts said, If the trend continues, all the develop technologies may be started falling negative impact instead of being helpful. The young generation basically our own children will fall in the trap. This is why, steps should be taken right now, experts opined.

Law enforcement agencies said, they are carrying drives against drug peddlers and abusers with a view to make the country free from drug. During the drive, many people are being caught. But, most of them join in the same profession after getting release on bail. As a result, it is not being possible to root out the drug from the society completely.

RAB started special drive against drug on May 2018 and the effort is going on still now. Many drug peddlers and users have already been lost their lives during the crossfire or encounter, while many were arrested in this connection.

But, it is the matter of surprising that, it has not yet been possible to root out the drug especially Yaba and Phensidyle from the society. In addition, the proportion of such drugs’ use is increasing day by day during the corona pandemic.

Law enforcers said, drug traders have now become reckless again due to reduction of drives as law enforcers are almost staying busy in tackling various new issues like corona pandemic.

Besides, the law enforcers can’t trace the drug abusers as they are using high technologies to continue their business. But, the law enforcement agencies don’t have so much high and improve technologies to trace and nab them.

Syed Toufique Uddin Ahmed, Director of Narcotics Control Department said, “Drug traders and buyers carry their purchases through online. They often open various pages with charming names on fb and carry their trades. But, we don’t have sufficient high quality technologies to trace them.

Police sources said, despite all hindrance, drugs especially Yaba and Phensidyle are entering into the country from different border routes mainly from Myanmar. Then, those are reaching to different destinations including city through different transports. Later, those are supplied to the buyer levels through online.

In this situation, the law enforcers should increase their surveillance as well as technologies to prevent the trend, elites claimed. (Source: Online)


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