March 15, 2025, 9:01 am

Our media must be free of political influence

  • Update Time : Wednesday, August 28, 2024
  • 78 Time View
Photo: Collected


The time has come to free independent journalism from the clutches of politics by comprehensively reforming journalistic ethics and laws. I don’t know if it will be possible in the future if we don’t find a way out of these dilapidated conditions. I have been more or less involved with media since the beginning of my teaching career. Can anyone say with their hands on the chest that the media workers have been able to express their opinions in the time of the past government? Although some writings come, that too is few and far between. So no one can swear that Bangladesh media is free from political influence. I think most media workers in the country will agree on this.

Many sources say that Bangladeshi media could never work free from political influence. Even in 53 years of independence, the country could not publish real news due to the pressure of various governments or political parties. Many media outlets do not have financial independence. Pressure from advertisers or owners has made it difficult to publish unbiased news. Some legal barriers have sometimes limited media freedom. There is the issue of safety of journalists. Journalists are often subjected to threats and lawsuits, which prevent them from working independently. Torture of journalists, killings, disappearances and murders have not stopped yet.

Global assessment: Bangladesh is generally at the bottom of the index published by the organization “Reporters Without Borders”. This indicates that media freedom in Bangladesh is less than many other countries. The growth of social media has opened up new avenues for free expression, but the field of journalism has not been free of influence. Government comes, government goes. The fate of the media does not change. All governments only talk about increasing media freedom. But in reality, its evidence is not very visible. Media freedom in Bangladesh is not yet complete. Because there are various political, economic and legal challenges. If we do not get rid of them, the face of journalism will fall.

The future of independent journalism in Bangladesh will largely depend on political will, law enforcement and the efforts of journalists themselves. The government should ensure the safety of journalists and remove legal barriers. Journalists should also adhere to their professional ethics and be persistent in reporting true news.

After Independence from the formation of Bakshal to 1990s Military rule, Dictatorship and Censorship: During this period journalistic freedom was limited due to military rule and strict censorship. At that time the government strictly controlled the media and prevented the expression of opposing views. During that period, the number of mass media was limited and their activities were under government control. With the restoration of democracy in 1991, media freedom improved somewhat. During this period the number of mass media increased rapidly. Although the number has increased, the freedom of the media has not increased. Independent journalism was limited due to political influence, economic pressures and legal barriers.

The advent of social media in the 21st century has changed the face of journalism. Now journalists can deliver their news directly to the public. However, the misuse of social media has led to an increase in the spread of fake news. At various times the government imposed restrictions on the media and harassed journalists. The overall condition of independent journalism in Bangladesh is still not satisfactory. Because the ruling party does not like or never liked the unpopular truth. Hence, the history of political parties in Bangladesh since independence has never been in favor of independent journalism.

Need to get rid of this situation. If the media is to favor public interest, it will not be possible in the current ownership structure. So what is the way out of this? I personally think, if the media can be born with a professional attitude in the real public enterprise, then a healthy competition can be created. The question will come here, is it possible to implement such an initiative? My answer: Why not? Everything is possible for humans. Just as people create roadblocks, people also do the work of removing obstacles. The number of evils has increased, so the good has disappeared. The honest and sincere initiative of one or more people can play a role in creating new life in the media. If the young generation can change everything, why not the media?

Efforts were made to maintain the continuity of the role that journalists played in the cause of independence in the early days of independence. However, some controls were also imposed with the aim of restructuring and stabilizing the country. There was some freedom in journalism during Bangabandhu’s regime. However, some regulations were also made keeping in mind state security and social stability. Then the media was turned away by the formation of Bakshal. Journalism was strictly controlled during the military regime. Many journalists were harassed, and in some cases arrested. Although the journalistic environment improved somewhat during the civil government, there was not complete freedom. At different times, different governments’ own interests and views put pressure on journalism.

Why is full freedom important in journalism? Journalism helps people make decisions by providing them with accurate information. Journalists monitor the activities of the government and present it to the people. Freedom of journalism is very important in a well-governed country.

The writer is an Assistant Professor and Head of Department at (Sociology), RoseyMozammel Women’s Honors College

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