October 22, 2024, 7:30 am

Peanut farming gains ground in Nilphamari

  • Update Time : Sunday, May 26, 2024
  • 19 Time View
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Nilphamari Correspondent:

Peanut farming has been getting popular in the Nilphamari district in the last few years due to the suitable soil, favourable weather conditions and timely supplies of necessary agricultural inputs.

Peanut, also called groundnut, is a short-term cash crop and an excellent edible oilseed. They are a very good source of vegetable protein and contain a lot of unsaturated fats and magnesium. Peanut cultivation in the sandy char areas is more profitable and simpler compared to other crops.

A large number of farmers are widely cultivating peanuts in the current season in the district. During visits to some of the peanut fields at Domar, Dimla, Jaldhaka, Kishoriganj, Saidpur and sadar upazilas, the Daily Sun correspondent saw farmers were busy taking care of the fields.

According to the local Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) office, Nilphamari, they have arranged several training programmes and carried out campaigns for using organic fertiliser before peanut cultivation.

Besides, local farmers are anticipating satisfactory production in the current season, the DAE office said.

Farmers farm peanuts in the first week of Falgun and harvest the peanuts in the first week of Jaistha month. farmers are very happy as they can take the nuts before the floods arrive.

Farmer Saiful Islam, 43, of Khaturia village in Domar upazila said, “This season I have cultivated the crop on one acre of land, spending Tk13,000 only. Now I am happy and expecting a minimum Tk15,000 to Tk18,000 as profit from the output”.

Another farmer Abdur Rouf, 38, of Vogdaburi village of the same upazila said, “Sandy land is not suitable for cultivating jute, paddy, wheat and other seasonal crops. Sandy soil is mainly suitable for maize, onion, peanut, and garlic cultivation. So, this year I have cultivated peanuts on two acres of land. Peanut cultivation is a very easy process and also it is a highly profitable crop”.

Deputy Director (DD) of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), Nilphamari Dr SM Abu Bakar Mohammad Saiful Islam said, “Peanut is a highly profitable crop compared to other seasonal crops. So, this year the farmers of Domar, Jaldhaka, Dimla, Kishoreganj, Syedpur and Sadar upazilas have cultivated peanuts on almost 1,020 hectares of land. A target has been set to produce 2,377 tonnes of the crop in this season”.

Abu Taleb, senior assistant director of Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation (BADC) of Domar, Nilphamari said, “Peanut is a low-cost and highly profitable crop. Nilphamari’s soil is appropriate for peanut cultivation. Sandy lands are also perfect. Farmers in the area are widely cultivating peanuts in this season.”

“However, cultivation of peanuts has been increasing every year in the district.  Especially, the farmers of Domar, Dimla and Jaldhaka upazila of the district are widely cultivating peanuts on the Teesta River-based sandy land.”

Peanut farmers in the region are pleased to be getting higher prices for their products this year as consumers are increasingly consuming the legume crop and its derivatives for health benefits.



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