September 20, 2024, 4:20 am

Polash Moni Das’ ‘Nana Barite Eid’

  • Update Time : Friday, June 14, 2024
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Entertainment Desk:

Polash Moni Das’ is a completely unique small-screen director in the current era of shot-cart making. Devotion and love for work shine through in each of his creations. The talented director has made a special drama for the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha.

The drama titled “Nana Barite Eid” was written by his brother Rajib Moni Das.

Actors Hannan Shelley, AKM Hasan, Tariq Swapan, Poonam Hasan Jui, Souchna Shikder, Nithor Mahbub, Saju Ahmed, Snigdha Hossain, Farid Hossain and others have acted in the project.

The drama will be aired on a YouTube channel on the occasion of the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha.

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