March 14, 2025, 9:55 pm

What the consequences of ill-gotten gains?

  • Update Time : Friday, July 12, 2024
  • 119 Time View
Author Mohammad Mehedi Hasan

–Mohammad Mehedi Hasan–

From the perspective of Islamic ethics, illegal money is any money that Islamic law prohibits acquiring or using because it is in itself harmful or is an evil asset. Those who earn their livings through illegal means, it brings about their destruction. Undoubtedly, Islam motivates us to do good work, and Allah rewards us for that. Islam aims to ensure the security of the members of society with regard to their lives and property. Islam, therefore, forbids activities like robbing or stealing the property of others and also rejects doing righteous deeds with ill-gotten money.

Destructive Impact of Ill-gotten GainsWithout doubt, building mosques and schools and doing such things are considered among the recommended acts of obedience that bring one closer to Allah, but the person who expects to do such good deeds must do them with lawful money and not with the money earned in an illegal way. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) instructed Muslims to earn money only in a lawful way. He said, “Allah (SWT) is All-Pure and He, therefore, accepts only that which is pure.” Illicit financial practices such as cheating, fraud, bribery, stealing, embezzlement, hoarding, overpricing, etc. are considered as misdeeds in Islam. And devouring public money by those in authorities is especially condemned in the holy Qur’an. In His book, Allah says, “O you who have believed, indeed many of the scholars and the monks devour the wealth of people unjustly and avert (them) from the way of God”.  (9:34). They will have painful punishment for this act.

The list of evil means of making money also includes bribery. It is prohibited in Islam. The following verse clarifies it: “And do not consume each other’s wealth illicitly; and do not get it to the officials (as bribery) so that you can knowingly gain something from other people’s money in a sinful way.”(2:188) Is it not strange that with such clear instructions from Allah, people abstain from pork but do not abstain from bribery? In fact, people resort to unfair means for amassing wealth because they are driven by greed. The rat race is referred to in the Quran in this way, “Competition in (worldly) increase diverts you, until you reach the grave.” (102:1-2). The avarice for money drives one to obsession. Material tendencies arise from uncontrollable greed. Because of the imaginary happiness it creates, greed is considered a factor that brings misery into people’s lives. As a result, man ignores everything and sacrifices all moral qualities in his quest to acquire wealth, until eventually the feelings of lack become deeply ingrained in his soul. When greed rules a nation, it transforms its social life into a field of disputes and discord in place of justice, security and stability.

The activities of the greedy create a chain of misery in society as he satiates his lusts in unjust ways. A person who covets uses the sources of wealth to acquire more for himself, creating poverty and economic problems for others. The Prophet (PBUH) once said: “On the Day of Judgement, there would be people whose good deeds will be as heavy as the mountains of Tahama. In spite of this, it would be ordered that they be tossed into the fire of Hell.”

Upon hearing this, someone said, “O! Prophet of Allah (PBUH), were these people performing Salat (prayers)?” He (PBUH) answered, “Yes, they used to pray, fast, and also spend a part of the night in worship. But, whenever they chanced upon something that gave them pleasure, they used to rush to it without thinking whether it was right or wrong.” Combating bribery and corruption is an integral part of the teachings of the Quran. Illegally obtained wealth is not given by God. It is acquired by those who are dishonest and gluttonous. Islam wants people to abstain from lust and ill-gotten wealth.

If any believer benefits from or lives on wealth obtained through haram (unlawful) means, he is a sinner in the sight of Allah. And there are at least 50 verses in the Quran related to different kinds of corruption on the earth. It has been proven that wealth obtained through corruption is not a source of prosperity. Instead, it could cause someone a despicable dilemma. If we allow this kind of wealth to come into our account, it will cause our destruction. Its effects are not always immediately noticeable. Sometimes, it makes no sound. Nevertheless, it destroys a person’s worldly life and the hereafter.


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