Staff Correspondent: Despite the corona pandemic, a good number of students belonging to poor and ultra poor families in different isolated villages of the country have got chance to carry
Child labourers, child marriage and malnutrition will increase across the country REHENNUMA TARANNUM: Country’s education sector among others is the worst affected as it has incurred huge losses due to
FBD Desk: The policy of making results of HSC and equivalent examinations has not yet been approved by the Ministry of Education. As a result, the results of this test
FBD Desk: Although not possible this month, the results of the 40th BCS written test will be released in January. This information was received from the Public Service Commission (PSC)
FBD Desk: The results of 2019-20 HSC and equivalent will be released at the end of this month. The National Advisory Committee has prepared a draft policy and sent it
FBD Desk: Admission test will be held in 19 general and science and technology universities of the country in cluster system. It will have 100 number MCQ questions. Apart from