July 27, 2024, 9:33 am

Train journeys to get costlier from May 4

  • Update Time : Monday, April 22, 2024
Photo: Collected

Desk Report:

The government has decided to increase train fares from May 4 by withdrawing concessions that passengers were enjoying if traveled to 100 kilometer or more.

A public notification was issued in this regard by the Bangladesh Railway.

According to public notice, “It is hereby informed for public information that in 1992 distance wise and section wise concessions were granted in Bangladesh Railway. In 2012, sectional concessions were abolished, but distance-based concessions remained in force. Recently, Bangladesh Railways has decided to withdraw only the existing distance based concession without increasing fares on passenger trains. In this context, the decision to withdraw the existing distance-based concession in all types of passenger trains will be implemented from May 4.”

Bangladesh Railway Director General Sardar Shahadat Ali confirmed the matter to Banglanews on Monday (April 22).

He said that train fares will be adjusted by withdrawing concessions from May 4.

In response to a question at what rate the train fares are increasing, the Director General said that it will be decided by the commercial wing of the Railways.

According to a railway source, earlier a passenger used to get 20% concession for travelling between 101 and 150 km, 25% between 251 and 400 km and 30% above 400 km.

From May 4, if a passenger travels more than 100 km by train, he will have to pay more fare, said this source.

The source further added that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has approved the proposal of the railways, which was supposed to be effective from 1st of this month.

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